Eric Flint Wiki
Georg Heinrich Vitzthum von Eichstedt
Fictional Character
1632 series
POD: May, 1631
Appearance(s): Grantville Gazette XXI, Grantville Gazette XXII, Grantville Gazette XXIV
Nationality: Germany
Occupation: Noble

Georg Heinrich Vitzthum von Eichstedt was a widowed noble of the county of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. He lived in Rudolstadt. He was invited by Enrico Abona to become an elder of the Grantville Pentecostal Church, a position he accepted, but for his own secret purposes: he and his fellow conspirators intended to manipulate self-proclaimed prophet Dieter Fischer.

Eichstedt was responsible for Fischer and the church elders's revival tour outside of Grantville to spread Pentecostalism. He later agreed to spy on the Pentecostal Church on behalf of Marco Garb when he visited Garb to examine the progress of the railroad construction in Weimar.
