Eric Flint Wiki


The Anaconda Project, Episode Seven[]

by Eric Flint

The Anaconda Project, Episode Eight[]

by Eric Flint

The Creamed Madonna[]

Kerryn Offord

First Impressions[]

by Iver P. Cooper

A Gentile in the Family?[]

by Terry Howard

The Royal and Ancient Game[]

by Mark H. Huston

High Road to Venice[]

by Gorg Huff and Paula Goodlet

Turn Your Radio On, Episode One[]

by Wood Hughes

Hallelujah, Part One[]

by David Carrico


Better Foundations, Part 1: An Introduction to Concrete[]

by Iver P. Cooper

Plausibility Denial or Truth is Stranger Than Fiction[]

by Gorg Huff

Wingless Wonders[]

by Kevin H. Evans