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Krzysztof Opaliński
Historical Figure
Nationality: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Year of Birth: 1609/1611
Year of Death: 1655
Cause of Death: Natural Causes
Religion: Catholicism
Occupation: Noblemen, politician
Spouse: Teresa Czarnkowska
Relatives: Łukasz Opaliński (brother)
Fictional Appearances:
1632 series
POD: May, 1631
Appearance(s): Grantville Gazette XVII
1635: The Eastern Front

1636: The Saxon Uprising

Krzysztof Opaliński (21 January 1609/1611 – 6 December 1655) was a Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth noble (szlachcic), politician and writer (satirist).

Krzysztof Opaliński in 1632[]

Krzysztof Opaliński was known as a radical who wanted to overthrow the government of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Because of this, he was a wanted fugitive.

By 1636, he was working alongside elements of the CoC in Poland to subvert as many of the lower classes to the side of the USE and foster hatred for the Polish monarch and nobility
